
Customize Clothing

Customize Clothing In the last days I've costumized some of my clothes with studs, but i've done already a post step by step how...

Customize Clothing

In the last days I've costumized some of my clothes with studs, but i've done already a post step by step how i stud a jacket, so this post only have photos with my "new" creations.

This is the step by step:

This jacket is new, but i decided add some studs to turn into a original jacket!

This is the original jacket from Stradivarius

And now it look like this!

This is an old sweater, that I don't wore for a long time, and i added some studs as well.
Here are my inspirations:
 This one is from Zara


I hope you like my idea. Send me the photos of your projects to becreativebeyou@hotmail.com and i will post them on the blog.
Thanks again,
Xoxo, A.P*

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