
D.I.Y Xmas Gifts part.II

Xmas Gifts Ideas  part.II Studded Peter Pan Colar     First i drew the pattern on paper.     Then I drew that...

Xmas Gifts Ideas  part.II

Studded Peter Pan Colar


First i drew the pattern on paper.
Then I drew that pattern in the felt as well.

And cut it in order to make a half moon.

When I open it, it looks like a collar.

1st Layout Test

2nd Layout Test - and the final!

Decoration complete! In this step i will add the chains and the locket.

I sewed the chains on the borders of the collar.

The final result!

Here are two patterns you can use to do the same!

Here is my inspiration:

I Hope you like it! Send me the photos of your projects to becreativebeyou@hotmail.com and i will post them on the blog!
Thanks again,
Xoxo, A.P

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