D.I.Y Holder for Makeup Brushes

Holder for Makeup Brushes Materials:   Scissors Tin Plier Glue Glitterstones Felt I really needed something to put my makeup ...

Holder for Makeup Brushes


  • Scissors
  • Tin
  • Plier
  • Glue
  • Glitterstones
  • Felt

I really needed something to put my makeup brushes that it was easy and simple to use it and be near me when i was doing my makeup, so i did some research and i have found some good ideas, but i really needed something easy and simple.


So i have decided to use a tin of pineapple. It has the right size that i was looking for and it was easy to work with and to decorate.

1st step:

Wash the tin realy well, but be carefull you can cut your hands with the borders of it, because they are sharp. Let it dry or clean it with a dry fabric.

After you clean it, using a pliers, you will turn the borders of the tin for the inside, to preventing future injuries.

And now you can decorate it on your way.

I have used some felt outside of the tin and i glued to cover it all.

To decorate the felt i have used some glitterstones.
Inside the tin i have used piece of cardboard  to separate the face brushes of  the eyes.



And it´s done!

Thank´s again!

Xoxo, A.P*


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